Ground & Recalibrate

A 4-Class Series on Embodied Living

This course is designed to guide you towards a deeper connection with the present moment and a renewed sense of self. Grounding, the foundational practice, is explored in the first week, followed by sensory embodiment, overcoming self-sabotage, and culminating in the powerful concept of recalibration.

Four lessons to Feeling more aligned

Each 45-60 minute video provides you with a lesson, a meditation, and then a Tarot reading to help reflect on what you’re learning.

Additionally, each lesson comes with journal prompts, reflection questions, and extra resources to support you on your journey.

One time

What to Expect

Lesson 1:

Foundations of Grounding

  • Explore the essence of grounding and its necessity in our fast-paced lives.

  • Identify common barriers to grounding, such as the relentless mind, societal pressures, and personal expectations.

  • Discover the benefits of grounding, including enhanced trust in divine timing and heightened intuition.

  • Delve into accessible gateways to grounding.

Lesson 2:

Sensory Embodiment

  • Learn to utilize your senses as powerful tools for anchoring yourself in the present.

  • Cultivate a deeper connection with your body and the world around you.

  • Develop mindfulness practices that enhance your sensory awareness.

Lesson 3:

Navigating Self-Sabotage and Resistance

  • Uncover the common patterns of self-sabotage and resistance that hinder personal growth.

  • Receive guidance on overcoming these challenges and fostering a positive mindset.

  • Cultivate resilience and perseverance on your journey of self-discovery.

Lesson 4:

Recalibration: Moving from Seeking to Being

  • Understand grounding as a portal to recalibration.

  • Learn how to put your insights into practical action.

  • Reflect on your level of engagement with life and make intentional choices.

Join today

Ground & Recalibrate
One time

A course designed to guide you towards a deeper connection with the present moment and a renewed sense of self.

✓ Four 45-60 minute lessons to help to reset and recenter
✓ Meditations & tarot pulls in every lesson
✓ Reflection questions & resources to aid in your self study
✓ Lifetime access
This course is nonrefundable.


  • No Refunds—Given the digital format of this content, we regret to inform you that we are unable to issue refunds once the purchase is complete. We kindly urge you to carefully assess your requirements and objectives before enrolling in the course.

  • Payment plans cannot be canceled once started.

  • You will have full lifetime access to this course and any new content created for it.